i figured its about the right time to start my own blog. so, here i am.

Friday, October 22

i'm sad...

so, i haven't video chatted with nate yet. and we planned 2 days ago to chat tonight. i was super excited, i wrote down a list of things to talk about, i was productive all night, i told everyone i was going to chat with him. i went to a friend's to work on the tune of songs lyrics i wrote forever ago. i texted nate letting him know i was at her house starting to work on it and he let me know he was home and ready to chat whenever. too bad that we didn't finish til an hour later. by the time i called him, he didn't answer... and then i called again 2 mins later. and again, and again. :( i was too late. i'm sad he didn't tell me that he was headed to bed. but maybe he was too tired to even do that. hopefully he just accidently went to bed. now i feel awful for not updating him, letting him know that i was still working on the song. and we didn't even get through the first verse and chorus. it song turned out great, but not the rest of my evening. 


  1. I'm sorry you didn't get to talk to nate. I know how exciting it is to have a video date, thats what we call them. But i'm sure you guys can do it again. Its even harder with the time difference, thats what makes it hard for us. Maybe you guys can try it again tomorrow since its the weekend. :-)

  2. well, i left for vegas on fri, so that's why we tried for thurs. and now he's moved into his place and doesn't have internet yet. he was staying at his friend's before. so it'll be a while til i get to have a video date with him.
