i figured its about the right time to start my own blog. so, here i am.

Sunday, October 10

first day of many to come

i first want to apologize for not including the proper capitalization throughout my blog. i think this way makes my blog look more artsy. however, i will include proper punctuation. at least i will try to. 

i have been doing a lot of contemplating this weekend, and past week. some new ideas have come into my head. dance minor? creative track? ny? anneb bags? stay? all of these thoughts were triggered because my bf moved to new york this morning for a big boy job as the product manager at meet up. i'm so proud of him! he's deserved a top-notch job for a long time. i could not be selfish in the least bit about his decision to take the position. such a great opportunity for him. and it has gotten me thinking about what is next for me. no m word talk. don't worry. but it helped me put my life into perspective about what i want to do with my degree, what i am doing with my time at BYU, and how bad do i want it? so just minor things.

i just finished up a run of the musical HAIRSPRAY at the scera theater in orem, utah. such a fun and energetic production!
so energetic that it took all the energy out of me. now, i am wiped out. i am glad that i will now be able to focus on my advertising major, homework, and responsibilities with BYUSA. i love performing, but in the long run, i need to bust my tail to cut it in the advertising world.

here's a rad video my teacher showed us. i love happy projects and the way they decide to promote their cause/product.

i want to create ads like this. but better! like ogilvy would say.

i think i'm done for the evening. now i need to ponder if i should keep my dance major or finish as a minor. again, just a small decision. thanks for reading. good night!


  1. I love the design of your blog, Sarah! It's like warm, fuzy, grey cotton. So, if you decided to change your dance major to a minor, when would you graduate?

  2. Possibly Dec 2011. Or maybe I'll still extend it to April 2012. But at least I'll give myself the chance to finish early if life plays out that way, or I may just use the time to do extra projects or work. So we'll see...

  3. I think it would be great if you could graduate early and start putting into action all the great talents the Lord has blessed you with. You are going to do great things no matter where you go. Life is full of decisions for you right now but I know you will make the right ones like you always have.
