this page is dedicated to all my friends who are living their dreams doing marvelous things in the world!
i know their parents are so proud of them!
Chris Urteaga has worked hard to get where he is in the dance world and this video proves his passion and incredible talent. He's the white guy to the left of the girl singing the chorus on the stage.
Just as you have all supported me, PLEASE support my dear friend CJ Tyson and his dream to record an album and tour with his dance company. Seriously, he is a very talented, passionate, and excellent person who deserves recognition! Do what you can. Please share this link.
BWAY! woohoo for claybourne elder!
Chris Urteaga has worked hard to get where he is in the dance world and this video proves his passion and incredible talent. He's the white guy to the left of the girl singing the chorus on the stage.
Just as you have all supported me, PLEASE support my dear friend CJ Tyson and his dream to record an album and tour with his dance company. Seriously, he is a very talented, passionate, and excellent person who deserves recognition! Do what you can. Please share this link.
BWAY! woohoo for claybourne elder!
he made it into People Magazine! Congrats Caleb!
adrienne warren (left)