i figured its about the right time to start my own blog. so, here i am.

Sunday, June 3

week's worth of adventures

here is a very general synopsis of my week. i will include pictures later today

fri - left for LA, downtown disney, fireworks attempt no. 1
sat - newport beach temple, bubba gump on the santa monica pier, beach, venice beach, in n out, justin masterson in beveryly hills
sun - church in san diego, bbq with liljestroms, ed!, prescotts, mormon battalion, fireworks attempt no. 2, mcwhirter's with the skaggs, trepanier, jeni, sean, and spencer
mon - coronado beach, matt, old town, seals, jk no seals, kristen's grandparents in rancho, drive through the night
tues - arrive in provo, pack and clean, thank you to allyson, cynthia, and lance
wed - leave for florida, arrive in florida, swim at disney all-star music resort with debbie
thurs - disney world!
fri - clean and pack, arrive in new york city, trader joe's
sat - target, coney island, indian food
sun - sleep in!, church, break the fast


  1. Reading that made me want to take a nap. Life is the best when it is full of fun and excitement! Miss you already!

    1. miss you girl! my adventures aren't as cool as yours though.. :)
