i figured its about the right time to start my own blog. so, here i am.

Monday, May 14

september birthday blues

i meant to post this on may 8, 4 months til my birthday. september birthdays are the worst because it's the exact time that people usually start new jobs, classes, living situations, and around a new slue of people. so when i meet people in aug/sept, i don't want to say, "my name is sarah and my birthday is next week." so my birthday always ends up being with a small group of people. and to be quite honest, i like surprises, but people don't know me enough in september to throw me a surprise party or do something fun like that. oh well. thanks mom and dad for celebrating new year's.


  1. ooh i'm excited to find your blog! i'm adding you to my blog list so i can stalk you in new york :)

  2. My birthday is September 3rd so I totally know how you feel. Just last week I was trying to explain why September birthdays are so horrible and they just didn't understand.

  3. Try having a birthday a week before Christmas when people are stressed about Christmas, getting ready to go home and taking finals. Yeah... that would be my birthday. I'm adding you to my blog list too... cause I adore you.
