i figured its about the right time to start my own blog. so, here i am.

Thursday, November 25

happy turkey day

(12:30am) recent update: my advertising team made it through to the next round of an advertising/marketing competition with l'oreal. we had to analyze the current men's grooming market and come up with a men's salon service and corresponding product. we changed our idea so many times, but finally came up with this - addressing the current trend for overall wellness, when the guy comes into a salon, the stylist applies a foam into his hair, let it sit for 3 minutes and then the foam will turn 1 of 5 colors. the color detects the highest level of nutrient that the guy is lacking in is hair. the stylist will then give him customized daily shampoo and conditioner according to the nutrient he's lacking the most. neat huh?! on dec 2, we compete against the other 5 teams from BYU. if we win, we go onto NYC against national teams. win that, go to paris to compete with teams from around the world. win that and split $10,000! ahh! pray for us!

um...i'm no longer a dance major. just advertising and dance minor. i'm taking a drawing class next semester! i want to get into a french class too.

i want an electric pad drum set for christmas. is that what its called? i've always wanted to learn, but recently i've felt a strong push to learn. i think playing in a jazz band would be pretty rad.

i work for a catering company in provo. i was a team lead for the first time this last weekend and the event went really well. we went to a wedding reception, which we do 99% of the time, and there was a live jazz band. i want a live band at my reception. no receiving line. i don't want my reception in a church gym.

i've been lazy all day. we saw mega mind in 3D. i decided not to wear contacts today and just my glasses. so wearing my glasses and the 3D glasses was kinda funny. we also watched modern family and home alone. i feel sick cause i've just been sitting and eating food all day. can't wait until tomorrow. (not)

sewing machine bulb is burnt out and my web cam isn't working. i was making my friend a make up bag and videoing the process while giving instructions so i can put it on youtube and my blog. but i'll have to wait til i go to my apt to get my mac book cd to repair a program or something... i guess it just isn't meant to be.

i think that's all. oh, i'm going to a concert in slc on fri with my roomie. i'm excited for that! i'll write what i'm thankful for tomorrow. loves!

1 comment:

  1. Sarah I love reading your blog even if its just a simple update. makes me feel like I'm still in utah and part of you girls lives. I sure miss you guys.
