i figured its about the right time to start my own blog. so, here i am.

Sunday, April 10


man, growing up is tough. i didn't think i'd have to make so many big deal decisions. and in the long run, they won't even be that big of a deal.

right now, i'm deciding on which internship i should take for this summer. both are really great opportunities where i'd learn a lot and have good size responsibilities. but i don't feel swayed by either one in particular.

and housing... for spring/summer and fall/winter

i applied for the creative track on friday, so that's a decision that is not up to me. but it's still very nerve wrecking. i fee like i could've done better; at least showed off my other creative outlets more. rr...

and boys. toughest part of it all!

1 comment:

  1. i hear ya sister. take a break and come out to seattle.
